


  • IconIcon
    Camobreco, C.J., Pothérat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2025  Pulsatility delays the transition to sustained turbulence in quasi-two-dimensional shear flows. Physical Review Fluids 10, 023905.
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    Shen, H.K, Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2025  Three-dimensional stability of natural convection flows in inclined square enclosures. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1003, A8.


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    Hussam, W.K., Barhoumic, E.M., Abdul-Nibya, M. & Sheard, G.J.  2024  Techno-economic analysis and optimization of hydrogen production from renewable hybrid energy systems: Shagaya renewable power plant-Kuwait. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 58, 56-68.


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    Camobreco, C.J., Pothérat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2023  Subcritical transition to turbulence in quasi-two-dimensional shear flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 963, R3.
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    Mayeli, P. & Sheard, G.J.  2023  Weakly nonlinear bifurcation behaviour at the onset of instability in horizontal convection using an advective buoyancy approximation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 149, 107134.
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    Saleem, K.B., Marafie, A.H., Al-Farhany, K., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2023  Natural convection heat transfer in a nanofluid filled L-shaped enclosure with time-periodic temperature boundary and magnetic field. Alexandria Engineering Journal 69, 177-191.


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    Hussam, W.K., Khlefat, A.M., A. & Sheard, G.J.  2022  Energy saving and performance analysis of air-cooled photovoltaic panels. International Journal of Energy Research 46 (4), 4825-4834.
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    Mayeli, P. & Sheard, G.J.  2022  An entropy generation analysis of horizontal convection under the centrifugal buoyancy approximation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 133, 105923.
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    Mayeli, P., Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2022  Linear stability analysis of horizontal convection under a Gay-Lussac type approximation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182, 121929.
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    Murali, S., Ng, Z.Y. & Sheard, G.J.  2022  Stability of flow in a channel with repeated flow-facing wedge-shaped protrusions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 941, A59.


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    Camobreco, C.J., Pothérat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2021  Transition to turbulence in quasi-two-dimensional MHD flow driven by lateral walls. Physical Review Fluids 6 (1), 013901.
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    Camobreco, C.J., Pothérat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2021  Stability of pulsatile quasi-two-dimensional duct flows under a transverse magnetic field. Physical Review Fluids 6 (5), 053903.
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    Mayeli, P. & Sheard, G.J.  2021  Natural convection and entropy generation in square and skew cavities due to large temperature differences: A Gay-Lussac-type vorticity stream-function approach. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 93 (7), 2396-2420.
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    Mayeli, P. & Sheard, G.J.  2021  A centrifugal buoyancy formulation for Boussinesq-type natural convection flows applied to the annulus cavity problem. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 93 (3), 683-702.
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    Mayeli, P. & Sheard, G.J.  2021  A simplified and efficient Gay-Lussac approach for non-Boussinesq treatment of natural convection problems. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 80 (5-6), 115-135.
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    Mayeli, P. & Sheard, G.J.  2021  An efficient and simplified Gay-Lussac approach in secondary variables form for the non-Boussinesq simulation of free convection problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 93 (11), 3264-3279.
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    Mayeli, P. & Sheard, G.J.  2021  Buoyancy-driven flows beyond the Boussinesq approximation: A brief review. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 125, 105316.
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    Murali, S., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2021  Heat transfer enhancement in quasi-two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic duct flows using repeated flow-facing wedge shaped protrusions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 171, 121066.


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    Camobreco, C.J., Pothérat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2020  Subcritical route to turbulence via the Orr mechanism in a quasi-two-dimensional boundary layer. Physical Review Fluids 5 (11), 113902.
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    Tsai, T.K., Hussam, W.K., King, M.P. & Sheard, G.J.  2020  Transitions and scaling in horizontal convection driven by different temperature profiles. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 148, 106166.


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    Cassells, O.G.W., Vo, T., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2019  From three-dimensional to quasi-two-dimensional: Transient growth in magnetohydrodynamic duct flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 861, 382-406.
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    Hossain, S., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2019  Horizontal convection in shallow enclosures scales with height, not length, at low Rayleigh numbers. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 109, 104308.
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    Hussam, W.K., Khanafer, K., Salem, H.J. & Sheard, G.J.  2019  Natural convection heat transfer utilizing nanofluid in a cavity with a periodic side-wall temperature in the presence of a magnetic field. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 104, 127-135.


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    Dubsky, S., Thurgood, J., Fouras, A., Thompson, B. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Cardiogenic flows in the lung revealed using synchrotron-based dynamic lung imaging. Scientific Reports 8, 4930.
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    Goonan, G.W., Fouras, A., & Dubsky, S.E.  2018  Array-source X-ray velocimetry. Optics Express 26 (2), 935-950.
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    Hussam, W.K., Hamid, A.H.A., Ng, Z.Y. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Effect of vortex promoter shape on heat transfer in MHD duct flow with axial magnetic field. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 134, 453-464.
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    Ng, Z.Y., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Stability of the wakes of cylinders with triangular cross-sections. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 844, 721-745.
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    Preissner, M., Murrie, R.P., Bresee, C., Carnibella, R.P., Fouras, A., Weir, K., Dubsky, S., Pinar, I.P. & Jones, H.D.  2018  Application of a novel in vivo imaging approach to measure pulmonary vascular responses in mice. Physiological Reports 6 (18), e13875.
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    Preissner, M., Murrie, R.P., Pinar, I., Werdiger, F., Carnibella, R.P., Zosky, G.R., Fouras, A. & Dubsky, S.  2018  High resolution propagation-based imaging system for in vivo dynamic computed tomography of lungs in small animals. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (8), 08NT03.


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    Dubsky, S., Zosky, G.R., Perks, K., Samarage, C.R., Henon, Y., Hooper, S.B., & Fouras, A.  2017  Assessment of airway response distribution and paradoxical airway dilation in mice during methacholine challenge. Journal of Applied Physiology 122 (3), 503-510.
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    Sapardi, A.M., Hussam, W.K., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2017  Linear stability of confined flow around a 180-degree sharp bend. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 822, 813-847.
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    Vo, T., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2017  Linear stability of horizontal, laminar fully developed, quasi-two-dimensional liquid metal duct flow under a transverse magnetic field and heated from below. Physical Review Fluids 2 (3), 033902.


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    Cassells, O.G.W., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  Heat transfer enhancement using rectangular vortex promoters in confined quasi-two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93, 186–199.
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    Hamid, A.H.A., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  Heat transfer augmentation of a quasi-two-dimensional MHD duct flow via electrically driven vortices. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications 70 (8), 847-869.
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    Hamid, A.H.A., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  Combining an obstacle and electrically driven vortices to enhance heat transfer in a quasi-two-dimensional MHD duct flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 792, 364-396.
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    Leigh, M.A., Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  Probing horizontal convection instability via perturbation of the forcing boundary layer using a synthetic jet. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 110, 251-260.
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    Ng, Z., Vo, T., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  Two-dimensional wake dynamics behind cylinders with triangular cross-section under incidence angle variation. Journal of Fluids and Structures 63, 302-324.
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    Samarage, C.R., Carnibella, R., Preissner, M., Jones, H.D., Pearson, J.T., Fouras, A., & Dubsky, S.  2016  Technical note: Contrast free angiography of the pulmonary vasculature in live mice using a laboratory x-ray source. Medical Physics 43 (11), 6017-6023.
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    Sheard, G.J., Hussam, W.K. & Tsai, T.  2016  Linear stability and energetics of rotating radial horizontal convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 795, 1-35.
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    Stahr, C. S., Samarage, R., Donnelley, M., Farrow, N. R., Morgan, K., Zosky, G., Boucher, R.C., Siu, K., Mall, M.A., Parsons, D.W., Dubsky S., & Fouras, A.  2016  Quantification of heterogeneity in lung disease with image-based pulmonary function testing. Scientific Reports 6 (1-10), 29438.
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    Thurgood, J., Dubsky, S., Uesugi, K., Curtis, M., Samarage, C.R., Thompson, B., Zosky, G. & Fouras, A.  2016  Imaging lung tissue oscillations using high-speed X-ray velocimetry. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 23 (Part 1), 324-330.
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    Tsai, T., Hussam, W.K., Fouras, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  The origin of instability in enclosed horizontally driven convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 94, 509-515.


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    Hamid, A.H.A., Hussam, W.K., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Spatial evolution of a quasi-two-dimensional Karman vortex street subjected to a strong uniform magnetic field. Physics of Fluids 27 (5), 053602.
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    Vo, T., Montabone, L. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Effect of enclosure height on the structure and stability of shear layers induced by differential rotation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 765, 45-81.
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    Vo, T., Montabone, L., Read, P.L. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Non-axisymmetric flows in a differential-disk rotating system. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 775, 349-386.


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    Henon, Y.N., Sheard, G.J. & Fouras, A.  2014  Erythrocyte deformation in a microfluidic cross-slot channel. RSC Advances 4 (68), 36079-36088.
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    Hussam, W.K., Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  The effect of rotation on radial horizontal convection and Nusselt number scaling in a cylindrical container. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 77, 46-59.
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    Vo, T., Montabone, L. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  Linear stability analysis of a shear layer induced by differential coaxial rotation within a cylindrical enclosure. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 738, 299-334.


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    Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2013  Heat transfer in a high Hartmann number MHD duct flow with a circular cylinder placed near the heated side-wall. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 67, 944-954.


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    Butler, C.J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2012  Hemodynamic forces on in vitro thrombi: A numerical analysis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 50 (5), 493-502.
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    Hussam, W.K., Thompson, M.C. & Sheard, G.J.  2012  Optimal transient disturbances behind a circular cylinder in a quasi two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic duct flow. Physics of Fluids 24 (2), 024105.
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    Hussam, W.K., Thompson, M.C. & Sheard, G.J.  2012  Enhancing heat transfer in a high Hartmann number magnetohydrodynamic channel flow via torsional oscillation of a cylindrical obstacle. Physics of Fluids 24 (11), 113601.
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    Ryan, K., Butler, C. J. & Sheard, G. J.  2012  Stability characteristics of a counter-rotating unequal strength Batchelor vortex pair. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 696, 374-401.
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    Samarage, C.R., Carberry, J., Sheard, G.J. & Fouras, A.  2012  Polynomial Element Velocimetry (PEV): A technique for continuous in-plane velocity and velocity gradient measurements for low Reynolds number flows. Measurement Science and Technology 23 (10), 105304.


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    Ackerly, T., Crosbie, J.C., Fouras, A., Sheard, G.J., Higgins, S.P.A. & Lewis, R.A.  2011  High resolution optical calorimetry for synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy. Journal of Instrumentation 6 (3), P03003.
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    Cogan, S.J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2011  The effects of vortex breakdown bubbles on the mixing environment inside a base driven bioreactor. Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (4), 1628-1637.
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    Cogan, S.J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2011  Symmetry breaking and instability mechanisms in medium depth torsionally driven open cylinder flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 672, 521-544.
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    Curtis, M.D., Sheard, G.J. & Fouras, A.  2011  Feedback control system simulator for the control of biological cells in microfluidic cross slots and integrated microfluidic systems. Lab on a Chip 11 (14), 2343-2351.
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    Hussam, W.K., Thompson, M.C. & Sheard, G.J.  2011  Dynamics and heat transfer in a quasi-two-dimensional MHD flow past a circular cylinder in a duct at high Hartmann number. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (5), 1091-1100.
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    Kumar, V., Ng, I., Sheard, G.J., Brocher, E., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.  2011  Application of particle image velocimetry and reference image topography to jet shock cells using the hydraulic analogy. Experiments in Fluids 51 (2), 543–551.
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    Ng, I., Kumar, V., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.  2011  Experimental study of simultaneous measurement of velocity and surface topography: In the wake of a circular cylinder at low Reynolds number. Experiments in Fluids 50 (3), 587-595.
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    Sheard, G.J.  2011  Wake stability features behind a square cylinder: Focus on small incidence angles. Journal of Fluids and Structures 27 (5-6), 734-742.
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    Sheard, G.J. & King, M.P.  2011  Horizontal convection: Effect of aspect ratio on Rayleigh-number scaling and stability. Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (4), 1647-1655.
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    So, J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2011  Short-wave instabilities on a vortex pair of unequal strength circulation ratio. Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (4), 1581-1590.
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    Tolouei, E., Butler, C.J., Fouras, A., Ryan, K., Sheard, G.J. & Carberry, J.  2011  Effect of hemodynamic forces on platelet aggregation geometry. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 39 (5), 1403-1413.


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    Blackburn, H.M. & Sheard, G.J.  2010  On quasi-periodic and subharmonic Floquet wake instabilities. Physics of Fluids 22 (3), 031701.
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    Boustead, N., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2010  Short-wave instability growth in closely spaced vortex pairs. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics 10 (5/6), 276-283.
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    Neild, A., Ng, T.W., Sheard, G.J., Powers, M. & Oberti, S.  2010  Swirl mixing at microfluidic junctions due to low frequency side channel fluidic perturbations. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 150 (2), 811-818.
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    Ng, I., Kumar, V., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.  2010  Surface topography of jet shock cells in a hydraulic analogy. Journal of Visualization 13 (3), 175-176.


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    Sheard, G.J.  2009  Flow dynamics and wall shear stress variation in a fusiform aneurysm. Journal of Engineering Mathematics 64 (4), 379-390.
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    Sheard, G.J., Fitzgerald, M.J. & Ryan, K.  2009  Cylinders with square cross section: Wake instabilities with incidence angle variation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 630, 43-69.


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    Fouras, A., Lo Jacono, D., Sheard, G.J. & Hourigan, K.  2008  Measurement of instantaneous velocity and surface topography in the wake of a cylinder at low Reynolds number. Journal of Fluids and Structures 24 (8), 1271-1277.
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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2008  Flow normal to a short cylinder with hemispherical ends. Physics of Fluids 20 (4), 041701.


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    Sheard, G.J. & Ryan, K.  2007  Pressure-driven flow past spheres moving in a circular tube. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 592, 233-262.
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    Sheard, G.J., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2007  Flow around an impulsively arrested circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids 19 (8), 083601.


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    Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2006  Wake transition of two-dimensional cylinders and axisymmetric bluff bodies. Journal of Fluids and Structures 22 (6), 793-806.


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    Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.  2005  Computations of the drag coefficients for low-Reynolds-number flow past rings. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 526, 257-275.
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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2005  The subharmonic mechanism of the Mode C instability. Physics of Fluids 17 (11), 111702.
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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Leweke, T.  2005  The evolution of a subharmonic mode in a vortex street. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 534, 23-38.


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    Sheard, G.J. Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2004  Asymmetric structure and non-linear transition behaviour of the wakes of toroidal bodies. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 23 (1), 167-179.
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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2004  From spheres to circular cylinders: Non-axisymmetric transitions in the flow past rings. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 506, 45-78.


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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2003  From spheres to circular cylinders: The stability and flow structures of bluff ring wakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 492, 147-180.
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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2003  A coupled Landau model describing the Strouhal-Reynolds number profile of the three-dimensional wake of a circular cylinder. Physics of Fluids 15 (9), L68-L71.

Conference papers


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    Hussam, W.K., Jaman, A., Mibarki, R., Al Mahmud, R. & Sheard, G.J.  2025  Techno-economic and environmental evaluation of integrated microgrid systems for electrification and hydrogen production. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Eds: J. Cai, Pub: IOP Publishing, ISSN: 1742-6596) 2968, 012006.  Conference: The 7th International Symposium on Hydrogen Energy and Energy Technologies, Osaka, Japan, 14-15 November 2024.


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    Camobreco, C.J., Pothérat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2020  Linear stability analysis of pulsatile quasi-two-dimensional duct flows under a transverse magnetic field. In Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020 (Eds: H. Chanson and R. Brown, Pub: The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-74272-341-9), Paper 173.  Conference: 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7-10 December 2020.
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    Hossain, S., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2020  Shallow enclosure horizontal convection: Insights from asymptotic expansion analysis. In Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020 (Eds: H. Chanson and R. Brown, Pub: The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-74272-341-9), Paper 87.  Conference: 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7-10 December 2020.
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    Hussam, W.K., Alfeeli, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2020  Efficiency enhancement of photovoltaic panels using an optimised air cooled heat sink. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy and Power Technology ICPSEPT2020 (Pub: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology), 1178-1183.  Conference: International Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy and Power Technology ICPSEPT, London, UK, 23-24 April 2020.
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    Mayeli, P., Tsai, T.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2020  Studying the natural convection problem in a square cavity by a new vorticity-stream-function approach. In Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020 (Eds: H. Chanson and R. Brown, Pub: The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-74272-341-9), Paper 114.  Conference: 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7-10 December 2020.
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    Murali, S. and Sheard, G.J.  2020  Wedge shaped protrusions in duct flows for heat transfer enhancement. In Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020 (Eds: H. Chanson and R. Brown, Pub: The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-74272-341-9), Paper 93.  Conference: 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7-10 December 2020.
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    Ng, Z.Y. & Sheard, G.J.  2020  Surface boundary conditions strongly affect the dynamics of rotating horizontal convection. In Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020 (Eds: H. Chanson and R. Brown, Pub: The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-74272-341-9), Paper 81.  Conference: 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7-10 December 2020.
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    Tsai, T.K., Sheard, G.J.  2020  Onset of horizontal convection. In Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020 (Eds: H. Chanson and R. Brown, Pub: The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-74272-341-9), Paper 179.  Conference: 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7-10 December 2020.


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    Camobreco, C.J. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Heat transfer enhancement via inhomogeneous thermal conductivity within vertical magnetohydrodynamic ducts. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: T.C.W. Lau & R.M. Kelso, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59784-3), 515.  Conference: 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 10-13 December 2018.
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    Hossain, S., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Effect of closure confinement on horizontal convection. In Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, AHMTC11, 11AHMTC18-21.  Conference: 11th Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 9-10 July 2018.
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    Hossain, S., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Horizontal convection: Shallow enclosures confine heating and cooling near sidewalls. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: T.C.W. Lau & R.M. Kelso, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59784-3), 646.  Conference: 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 10-13 December 2018.
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    Mayeli, P. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  A comparison between Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq approximations for numerical simulation of natural convection in an annulus cavity. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: T.C.W. Lau & R.M. Kelso, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59784-3), 560.  Conference: 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 10-13 December 2018.
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    Ng, Z.Y., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Energetics of instability modes in the cylinder wake. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: T.C.W. Lau & R.M. Kelso, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59784-3), 502.  Conference: 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 10-13 December 2018.
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    Tsai, T., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Dynamics of rotating horizontal convection with a moving heated surface. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: T.C.W. Lau & R.M. Kelso, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59784-3), 509.  Conference: 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 10-13 December 2018.
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    Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  The effect of centrifugal buoyancy on rotating horizontal convection. In Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, AHMTC11, 11AHMTC18-30.  Conference: 11th Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 9-10 July 2018.


  • Cassells, O.G.W., Vo, T., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2017  From linear to non-linear: Transient growth in confined magnetohydrodynamic flows. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oli & Gas Industries (Eds: J.E. Olsen & S.T. Johanson, Pub: SINTEF), 114.  Conference: The 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oli & Gas Industries, Trondheim, Norway, 30 May - 1 June 2017.


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    Cassells, O.G.W., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  Transient analysis of global dominant modes in quasi-static magnetohydrodynamic flows. In The 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference Proceedings (Eds: G. Ivey, T. Zhou, N. Jones & S. Draper, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society), paper 701.  Conference: The 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia, 5-8 December 2016.
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    Hamid, A.H.A., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  Current injection vortex promoter for heat transfer enhancement in a magnetohydrodynamic duct flow. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering (ACSM) (Pub: The Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, ISBN: 978-1-63248-105-4), ACSM-16-218.  Conference: The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering - ACSM, Bankok, Thailand, 25-26 September 2016.
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    Ng, Z., Vo, T., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  Linear instabilities in the wakes of cylinders with triangular cross-sections. In The 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference Proceedings (Eds: G. Ivey, T. Zhou, N. Jones & S. Draper, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society), paper 630.  Conference: The 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia, 5-8 December 2016.
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    Vo, T., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2016  Linear stability of quasi-two-dimensional liquid metal duct flow subjected to a transverse magnetic field and vertical temperature stratification. In The 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference Proceedings (Eds: G. Ivey, T. Zhou, N. Jones & S. Draper, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society), paper 550.  Conference: The 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia, 5-8 December 2016.


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    Cassells, O.G.W., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Heat transfer enhancement using vortex promoters in magneto-hydro-dynamic flows. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries (Eds: C.B. Solnordal, P. Liovic, G.W. Delaney, S.J. Cummins, M.P. Schwarz & P.J. Witt, Pub: CSIRO, Australia, ISBN: 978-1-4863-0620-6), 159CAS.  Conference: The Eleventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 7-9 December 2015.
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    Hamid, A.H.A., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Heat transfer augmentation of MHD duct flow via current injection. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization (Eds: Y. Haik, Pub: Qatar University), 277-286.  Conference: The 13th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization (FLUCOME2015), Qatar University, Doha-Qatar, 15-18 November 2015.
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    Hamid, A.H.A., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Convective heat transfer enhancement via electrically driven vortices in an MHD duct flow. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries (Eds: C.B. Solnordal, P. Liovic, G.W. Delaney, S.J. Cummins, M.P. Schwarz & P.J. Witt, Pub: CSIRO, Australia, ISBN: 978-1-4863-0620-6), 163HAM.  Conference: The Eleventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 7-9 December 2015.
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    Ng, Z.Y., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Wake structures of unsteady two-dimensional flows past cylinders with triangular cross-sections. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries (Eds: C.B. Solnordal, P. Liovic, G.W. Delaney, S.J. Cummins, M.P. Schwarz & P.J. Witt, Pub: CSIRO, Australia, ISBN: 978-1-4863-0620-6), 161NG.  Conference: The Eleventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 7-9 December 2015.
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    Sapardi, A.M., Hussam, W.K., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Influence of strong spanwise magnetic field on the quasi-two-dimensional MHD flow in a 180-degree sharp bend. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries (Eds: C.B. Solnordal, P. Liovic, G.W. Delaney, S.J. Cummins, M.P. Schwarz & P.J. Witt, Pub: CSIRO, Australia, ISBN: 978-1-4863-0620-6), 160SAP.  Conference: The Eleventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 7-9 December 2015.
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    Tsai, T., King, M.P. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  High resolution simulation revealing Ra^1/4 scaling regime for Nusselt number in horizontal convection. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries (Eds: C.B. Solnordal, P. Liovic, G.W. Delaney, S.J. Cummins, M.P. Schwarz & P.J. Witt, Pub: CSIRO, Australia, ISBN: 978-1-4863-0620-6), 158TSA.  Conference: The Eleventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 7-9 December 2015.


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    Cassells, O.G.W., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  Heat transfer augmentation using rectangular cross-section turbulence generators in confined quasi-two-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamics flows. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 120.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Hamid, A.H.A., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  Dynamics of a quasi-two-dimensional wake behind a cylinder in an MHD duct flow with a strong axial magnetic field. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 198.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Hamid, A.H.A., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  Vortex decay in quasi-2D MHD ducts: Application to Karman vortex streets behind turbulence promoters. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 197.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Henon, Y.N., Sheard, G.J. & Fouras, A.  2014  A microfluidic cross-slot device for measurement of erythrocyte deformability. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 367.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Hussam, W.K., Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  Linear stability analysis of horizontal convection forced radially in a rotating cylindrical enclosure. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 78.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Leigh, M.A., Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  Control of horizontal convection forcing boundary layer instability using a tuned ZNMF oscillating jet. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 141.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Li, Y., Hamid, A.H.A., Sapardi, A.M. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  Near-wall electrically induced vortices for quasi-2D MHD duct side-wall heat transfer enhancement. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 304.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Sapardi, A.M., Hussam, W.K., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  Quasi-two-dimensional MHD duct flow around a 180-degree sharp bend in a strong magnetic field. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 223.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Sapardi, A.M., Hussam, W.K., Potherat, A. & Sheard,G.J.  2014  Three-dimensional linear stability analysis of the flow around a sharp 180 degree bend. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 222.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Tsai, T., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  Global and convective stability of horizontal convection. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 108.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.
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    Tsai, T., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2014  The effect of the forcing temperature profile on horizontal convection flows. In The Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: H. Chowdhury & F. Alam, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2), Paper 107.  Conference: The 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014.


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    Butler, C.J., Pinar, I., Ryan, K., Carberry, J. & Sheard, G.J.  2012  Shear rate behaviour within in vitro thrombotic geometries: height and surface curvature dependence. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: P.A. Brandner & B.W. Pearce, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-58373-0 (USB)), Paper 22.  Conference: The Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference , Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, 3-7 December 2012.
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    Hussam, W.K., King, M.P., Montabone, L. & Sheard, G.J.  2012  Nusselt-number scaling and azimuthal velocity profiles in a rotating cylindrical tank with a radial horizontal convection imposed to model atmospheric polar vortices. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: P.A. Brandner & B.W. Pearce, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-58373-0 (USB)), Paper 340.  Conference: The Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, 3-7 December 2012.
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    Samarage, C.R., Sheard, G.J., Smyth, I., Bryson-Richardson, R. & Fouras, A.  2012  Application of a novel diffraction-based tomography method to the zerbrafish (Danio rerio) embryo. In Proceedings of SPIE Volume 8506 (Developments in X-Ray Tomography VIII) (Eds: S.R. Stock, Pub: SPIE, ISBN: 9780819492234), 85061I.  Conference: SPIE Developments in X-Ray Tomography VIII, San Diego, California, USA, 12-16 August 2012.
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    Vo, T., Montabone, L. & Sheard, G.J.  2012  Numerical investigation of the stability of model polar vortices in a split-disk system. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: P.A. Brandner & B.W. Pearce, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, ISBN: 978-0-646-58373-0 (USB)), Paper 299.  Conference: The Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference , Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, 3-7 December 2012.
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    Vo, T., Montabone, L. & Sheard, G.J.  2012  Linear instabilities on model polar vortices generated in a differential-disk rotation configuration. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries (Eds: C.B. Solnordal, P. Liovic, G.W. Delaney and P.J. Witt, Pub: CSIRO, ISBN: 978-922173-01-0), 055VO.  Conference: The Ninth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries , Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 10-12 December 2012.
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    Wong, K.W., Akulshin, O., Armitage, J.A., Fouras, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2012  Effect of red blood cell stiffness on flow profiles in microchannels. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: P.A. Brandner & B.W. Pearce, Pub: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society), Paper 364.  Conference: The Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, ISBN: 978-0-646-58373-0 (USB), 3-7 December 2012.


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    Hussam, W.K., Thompson, M.C. & Sheard, G.J.  2011  Optimal transient disturbances preceding vortex shedding in magneto-hydrodynamic flow past a circular cylinder in a duct. In Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering: Selected, peer reviewed paper from 2011 International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering (MIME 2011) (Eds: M. Ma, Pub: Information Engineering Research Institute, USA, ISBN: 978-0-9831693-1-4, ISSN: 2070‐1918), 134-137.  Conference: International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 15-16 January 2011.
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    Samarage, C.R., Carberry, J., Sheard, G.J. & Fouras, A.  2011  Polynomial element velocimetry (PEV): A novel method for better than pixel resolution measurements. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV11.  Conference: The 9th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV11, Kobe, Japan, 21-23 July 2011.
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    Sheard, G.J.  2011  Flow past a square cylinder at small incidence angles: Characteristics of leading three-dimensional instabilities. In Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering: Selected, peer reviewed paper from 2011 International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering (MIME 2011) (Eds: M. Ma, Pub: Information Engineering Research Institute, USA, ISBN: 978-0-9831693-1-4, ISSN: 2070‐1918), 181-184.  Conference: The International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 15-16 January 2011.
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    Vo, T., Sheard, G.J. & Montabone, L.  2011  Stability of a rotating tank source-sink setup to model a polar vortex. Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering: Selected, peer reviewed paper from 2011 International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering (MIME 2011) (Eds: M. Ma, Pub: Information Engineering Research Institute, USA, ISBN: 978-0-9831693-1-4, ISSN: 2070‐1918), 251-254.  Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 15-16 January 2011.


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    Butler, C.J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2010  Shear rate gradients within an in vitro thrombotic environment. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: G.D. Mallinson and J.E. Cater, Pub: The University of Auckland, ISBN: 978-0-86869-129-9), Paper 179.  Conference: The 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 December 2010.
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    Ellis, C.L., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2010  A three-dimensional transient growth and DNS analysis of `high tail' and `flat-tail' aircraft configurations. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: G.D. Mallinson and J.E. Cater, Pub: The University of Auckland, ISBN: 978-0-86869-129-9), Paper 179.  Conference: The 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 December 2010.
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    Hussam, W.K., Thompson, M.C. & Sheard, G.J.  2010  Quasi-2D simulation of liquid metal flow past a cylinder in a duct exposed to a magnetic field. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: G.D. Mallinson and J.E. Cater, Pub: The University of Auckland, ISBN: 978-0-86869-129-9), Paper 350.  Conference: The 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 December 2010.
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    Sheard, G.J.  2010  Altering the symmetry of rings and square cylinders: First-occurring mode switching and non-linear evolution behaviour. In IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations: Book of Papers (Eds: T. Leweke & C.H.K. Williamson).  Conference: The IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations, Hotel San Michele, Capri, Italy, 22-25 June 2010, 5-8.
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    Sheard, G.J. & Blackburn, H.M.  2010  Steady inflow through a model aneurysm: Global and transient stability. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: G.D. Mallinson and J.E. Cater, Pub: The University of Auckland, ISBN: 978-0-86869-129-9), Paper 349.  Conference: The 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 December 2010.
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    Sheard, G.J., Fouras, A. & Hourigan, K.  2010  PIV measurement of a subharmonic "mode C" three-dimensional instability behind inclined square cylinders. In IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations: Book of Papers (Eds: T. Leweke & C.H.K. Williamson), 253-256.  Conference: The IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations, Hotel San Michele, Capri, Italy, 22-25 June 2010.
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    Wong, K.Y., King, M.P. & Sheard, G.J.  2010  Horizontal convection in an enclosure with fixed and moving walls. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: G.D. Mallinson and J.E. Cater, Pub: The University of Auckland, ISBN: 978-0-86869-129-9), Paper 351.  Conference: The 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 December 2010.


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    Boustead, N., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2009  Short-wave instability growth in closely spaced vortex pairs. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & M.P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 978-0-643-09825-1), 054BOU:1-6.  Conference: The Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 December 2009.
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    Butler, C.J., Sheard, G.J. & Ryan, K.  2009  Modelling variations in shear rate around a geometrically similar thrombus in-vitro. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & M.P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 978-0-643-09825-1), 037BUT:1-6.  Conference: The Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 December 2009.
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    Chua, C.S., Sheard, G.J., Dubsky, S., Higgins, S., Jamison, R.A., Fouras, A. & Hourigan, K.  2009  Particle image velocimetry of non-axisymmetric stenosis models. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV09 (Eds: J. Soria & C. Atkinson, Pub: PIV09 Organizing Committee), PIV09-0019:1-4.  Conference: The 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV09, The Langham, Melbourne, Australia, 25-28 August 2009.
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    Cogan, S.J., Sheard, G.J. & Ryan, K.  2009  The effects of vortex breakdown bubbles on the mixing environment inside a base driven bioreactor. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & M.P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 978-0-643-09825-1), 055COG:1-6.  Conference: The Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 December 2009.
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    Dhopade, P. & Sheard, G.J.  2009  Shear layer reattachment on a square cylinder with incidence angle variation. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & M.P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 978-0-643-09825-1), 146DHO:1-6.  Conference: The Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 December 2009.
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    Ellis, C.L., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2009  Two-dimensional computational analysis of "high tail" configuration aircraft wake vortex pairs. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & M.P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 978-0-643-09825-1), 013ELL:1-6.  Conference: The Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 December 2009.
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    Higgins, S., Sheard, G.J., Fouras, A. & Hourigan, K.  2009  Computer-aided optimisation of a constant shear-rate micro-channel contraction. In ANZIAM Journal (Eds: G. N. Mercer & A. J. Roberts) 50, C1004-C1016.  Conference: The 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 13-16 July 2008.
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    Hillier, D.R., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2009  Implementation of an immersed boundary method in spectral-element software. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & M.P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 978-0-643-09825-1), 050HIL:1-6.  Conference: The Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 December 2009.
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    Hussam, W.K., Thompson, M.C. & Sheard, G.J.  2009  A quasi-two-dimensional investigation of unsteady transition in shallow flow past a circular cylinder in a channel. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & M.P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 978-0-643-09825-1), 153ALS:1-6.  Conference: The Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 December 2009.
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    Kumar, V., Ng, I., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.  2009  Hydraulic analogy examination of underexpanded jet shock cells using Reference Image Topography. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV09 (Eds: J. Soria & C. Atkinson, Pub: PIV09 Organizing Committee), PIV09-0086:1-4.  Conference: The 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV09, The Langham, Melbourne, Australia, 25-28 August 2009.
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    Ng, I., Kumar, V., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.  2009  Experimental study of instantaneous measurement of velocity and surface topography in a wake of the circular cylinder at low Reynolds number. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV09 (Eds: J. Soria & C. Atkinson, Pub: PIV09 Organizing Committee), PIV09-0113:1-4.  Conference: The 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV09, The Langham, Melbourne, Australia, 25-28 August 2009.
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    Sheard, G.J.  2009  Axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric flow and wall shear stress in a model fusiform abdominal aortic aneurysm. In 1st International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (Eds: Perumal Nithiarasu, Rainald Löhner & Raoul van Loon, Pub: CMBE, ISBN: 978-0-9562914-0-0), 258-261.  Conference: The 1st International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea, Wales, UK, 29 June - 1 July 2009.
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    Sheard, G.J. & King, M.P.  2009  The influence of height ratio on the stability of horizontal convection. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & M.P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 978-0-643-09825-1), 096SHE:1-6.  Conference: The Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 December 2009.
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    So, J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2009  Short-wave instabilities on a vortex pair. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & M.P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 978-0-643-09825-1), 112RYA:1-6.  Conference: The Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 December 2009.


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    Chua, C.S., Sheard, G.J., Ryan, K. & Fouras, A.  2008  Changes in flow and wall stresses through arterial constrictions offset from the centre of the vessel. In ANZIAM Journal (Eds: G. N. Mercer & A. J. Roberts, Pub: Australian Mathematical Society) 50 (CTAC2008), C744-C759.  Conference: The 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 13-16 July 2008.
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    Cogan, S.J., Sheard, G.J. & Ryan, K.  2008  Axisymmetric Hopf bifurcation in a free surface rotating cylinder flow. In ANZIAM Journal (Eds: G. N. Mercer & A. J. Roberts, Pub: Australian Mathematical Society) 50 (CTAC2008), C251-C265.  Conference: The 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 13-16 July 2008.
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    Jamison, R.A., Sheard, G.J., Ryan, K. & Fouras, A.  2008  The validity of axisymmetric assumptions when investigating pulsatile biological flows. In ANZIAM Journal (Eds: G. N. Mercer & A. J. Roberts, Pub: Australian Mathematical Society) 50 (CTAC2008), C713-C728.  Conference: The 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 13-16 July 2008.
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    Sheard, G.J. & Ryan, K.  2008  Wall shear stress and flow stability in a model fusiform aneurysm. In ANZIAM Journal (Eds: G. N. Mercer & A. J. Roberts, Pub: Australian Mathematical Society) 50 (CTAC2008), C1-C15.  Conference: The 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 13-16 July 2008.
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    So, J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2008  Linear stability analysis of a counter-rotating vortex pair of unequal strength. In ANZIAM Journal (Eds: G. N. Mercer & A. J. Roberts, Pub: Australian Mathematical Society) 50 (CTAC2008), C137-C151.  Conference: The 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 13-16 July 2008.


  • Busch, H., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2007  Strain rate development between a co-rotating Lamb-Oseen vortex pair of unequal strength. In Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: P. Jacobs, T. McIntyre, M. Cleary, D. Buttsworth, D. Mee, R. Clements, R. Morgan & C. Lemckert, Pub: School of Engineering, The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-864998-94-8), 1470-1474.  Conference: The 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Crown Plaza, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 3-7 December 2007.
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    Fitzgerald, M.J., Sheard, G.J. & Ryan, K.  2007  Cylinders with square cross-section: Paths to turbulence with various angles of incidence. In Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: P. Jacobs, T. McIntyre, M. Cleary, D. Buttsworth, D. Mee, R. Clements, R. Morgan & C. Lemckert, Pub: School of Engineering, The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-864998-94-8), 1055-1062.  Conference: The 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Crown Plaza, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 3-7 December 2007.
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    Fouras, A., Lo Jacono, D., Sheard, G.J. & Hourigan, K.  2007  Measurement of instantaneous velocity and surface topography of a cylinder at low Reynolds number. Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and Their Control (Eds: M. Braza & K. Hourigan).  Hotel Corfu Chandris, Corfu, Greece, 18-22 June 2007.
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    Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C., Sheard, G.J., Ryan, K., Leontini, J. & Johnson, S.A.  2007  Low Reynolds number instabilities and transitions in bluff body wakes. In Second International Symposium on Instability and Bifurcations in Fluid Dynamics, Journal of Computational Physics: Conference Series 64, 012018.  Conference: Second International Symposium on Instability and Bifurcations in Fluid Dynamics, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-18 August 2006.
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    Jamison, R.A., Sheard, G.J. & Ryan, K.  2007  Non-axisymmetric flow development in pulsatile blood flow through an aneurysm. In Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: P. Jacobs, T. McIntyre, M. Cleary, D. Buttsworth, D. Mee, R. Clements, R. Morgan & C. Lemckert, Pub: School of Engineering, The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-864998-94-8), 353-360.  Conference: The 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference , Crown Plaza, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 3-7 December 2007.
  • Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C., Sheard, G.J., Schouveiler, L. & Hourigan, K.  2007  Unsteady flow around impulsively stopped bluff bodies. In Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and Their Control (Eds: M. Braza & K. Hourigan).  Conference: The IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and Their Control , Hotel Corfu Chandris, Corfu, Greece, 18-22 June 2007.
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    Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2007  Non-linear growth of short-wave instabilities in a Batchelor vortex pair. In Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: P. Jacobs, T. McIntyre, M. Cleary, D. Buttsworth, D. Mee, R. Clements, R. Morgan & C. Lemckert, Pub: School of Engineering, The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-864998-94-8), 1463-1469.  Conference: The 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference , Crown Plaza, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 3-7 December 2007.
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    Sheard, G.J.  2007  Cylinders with elliptical cross-section: Wake stability with incidence angle variation. In Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and Their Control (Eds: M. Braza & K. Hourigan).  Conference: The IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and Their Control, Hotel Corfu Chandris, Corfu, Greece, 18-22 June 2007.
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    Sheard, G.J., Evans, R.G., Denton, K.M. & Hourigan, K.  2007  Undesirable haemodynamics in aneurysms. In Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and Their Control (Eds: M. Braza & K. Hourigan).  Conference: The IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and Their Control , Hotel Corfu Chandris, Corfu, Greece, 18-22 June 2007.
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    So, J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2007  Interaction of an unequal-strength vortex pair. In Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: P. Jacobs, T. McIntyre, M. Cleary, D. Buttsworth, D. Mee, R. Clements, R. Morgan & C. Lemckert, Pub: School of Engineering, The University of Queensland, ISBN: 978-1-864998-94-8), 1457-1462.  Conference: The 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Crown Plaza, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 3-7 December 2007.


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    Ryan, K., Sheard, G.J. & Thompson, M.C.  2006  Short wave instabilities of counter-rotating Batchelor vortex pairs. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 0-643-09423-7), 170Rya.  Conference: The Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, Hilton on the Park, Melbourne, Australia, 13-15 December 2006.
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    Sheard, G.J. & Ryan, K.  2006  The flow past particles driven by a pressure gradient in small tubes. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 0-643-09423-7), 152She.  Conference: The Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, Hilton on the Park, Melbourne, Australia, 13-15 December 2006.
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    Sheard, G.J., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K.  2006  The vortex trajectories invoked by an arresting cylinder. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries (Eds: P.J. Witt & P. Schwarz, Pub: CSIRO Australia, ISBN: 0-643-09423-7), 153She.  Conference: The Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, Hilton on the Park, Melbourne, Australia, 13-15 December 2006.


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    Sheard, G., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.  2005  Relating side-forces on a short cylinder to the loss of planar symmetry in a sphere wake. In Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2005 - Proceedings of the Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (Eds: K.J. Bathe, Pub: Elsevier, ISBN: 0-08-044476-8), 850-853.  Conference: The Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, 14-17 June 2005.
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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2005  Computing the flow past a cylinder with hemispherical ends. In ANZIAM Journal (Pub: Australian Mathematical Society, ISSN: 1446-8735) 46 (E), C1296-C1310.  Conference: The 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC2004), The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 27 September - 1 October 2004.


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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2004  Flow past a cylinder with free hemispherical ends: comments on grid independence and wake symmetry characteristics. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: M. Behnia, W. Lin & G.D. McBain, Pub: The University of Sydney, ISBN: 1-864-87695-6), AFMC00164.  Conference: The Fifteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, Australia, 13-17 December 2004.
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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K.  2004  Stability and bifurcations of the wake behind a ring: A computational and experimental comparison. In Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences (Eds: S.N. Athuri & A.J.B. TadeuISBN: 0-9657001-6-X), 1094-1099.  Conference: The 2004 International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences, Madeira, Portugal, 26-29 July 2004.


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    Sheard, G. J., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K.  2002  On axisymmetric bluff body wakes: three- dimensional wake structures and transition criticality of the torus. In Proceedings of the Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations - BBVIV3 (Eds: K. Hourigan, T. Leweke, M.C. Thompson & C.H.K. WilliamsonISBN: 0-7326-2108-9), 129-132.  Conference: Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations - BBVIV3, Rydges Reef Resort, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, 17-20 December 2002.

Conference abstracts


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    Hossain, S., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2019  Sidewall constraints on laminar horizontal convection in very shallow enclosures. In 11ANCW Book of Abstracts (Eds: K. Chauhan & N. Williamson, Pub: The University of Sydney), 25-26.  Conference: 11th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 9-10 December 2019.
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    Mayeli, P., Tsai, T.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2019  Analysis of horizontal natural convection under a novel non-Boussinesq approximation. In 11ANCW Book of Abstracts (Eds: K. Chauhan & N. Williamson, Pub: The University of Sydney), 23-24.  Conference: 11th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 9-10 December 2019.
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    Tsai, T.K., Sheard, G.J.  2019  Onset of horizontal convection. In 11ANCW Book of Abstracts (Eds: K. Chauhan & N. Williamson, Pub: The University of Sydney), 21-22.  Conference: 11th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 9-10 December 2019.


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    Camobreco, C.J., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Assessing the efficacy of inhomogeneous thermal conductivity to enhance heat transfer within fusion reactor blankets. In Second International Symposium on Computational Particle Technology and Thirteenth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries Book of Abstracts, 264.  Conference: Thirteenth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, InterContinental Melbourne the Rialto, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 5-7 December 2018.
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    Hossain, S., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  1D channel flow patterns in shallow enclosure horizontal convection. In Second International Symposium on Computational Particle Technology and Thirteenth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries Book of Abstracts, 267-268.  Conference: Thirteenth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, InterContinental Melbourne the Rialto, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 5-7 December 2018.
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    Ng, Z.Y., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Sources of perturbation growth in cylinder wake instabilities. In Second International Symposium on Computational Particle Technology and Thirteenth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries Book of Abstracts, 290-291.  Conference: Thirteenth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, InterContinental Melbourne the Rialto, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 5-7 December 2018.
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    Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2018  Linear stability analysis of rotating horizontal convection with a moving heated surface. In Second International Symposium on Computational Particle Technology and Thirteenth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries Book of Abstracts, 400-401.  Conference: Thirteenth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, InterContinental Melbourne the Rialto, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 5-7 December 2018.


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    Derakhshan, M., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2017  On the onset of horizontal convection. In Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop (Eds: T.N. Anderson & S.E. Norris, Pub: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Auckland University of Technology and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Auckland, ISBN: 978-0-473-42301-8).  Conference: The 10th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 November - 1 December 2017.
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    Hossain, S., Vo, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2017  Horizontal convection in very shallow enclosures. In Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop (Eds: T.N. Anderson & S.E. Norris, Pub: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Auckland University of Technology and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Auckland, ISBN: 978-0-473-42301-8), 1-2.  Conference: The 10th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 November - 1 December 2017.


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    Hussam, W.K., Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Stability of rotating cylinder driven by radial horizontal convection. In The 9th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop Program and Book of Abstracts (Eds: T. Vo, T. Tsai & G.J. Sheard, Pub: The Sheard Lab, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Monash University, Australia), 31-32.  Conference: The 9th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop (9ANCW), Monash University, Victoria, Australia, 14-15 December 2015.
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    Tsai, T., King, M.P. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Scaling of horizontal convection at high Rayleigh number. In The 9th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop Program and Book of Abstracts (Eds: T. Vo, T. Tsai & G.J. Sheard, Pub: The Sheard Lab, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Monash University, Australia), 61-62.  Conference: The 9th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop (9ANCW), Monash University, Victoria, Australia, 14-15 December 2015.
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    Vo, T., Potherat, A. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  Linear stability of horizontal, fully developed, quasi-two-dimensional liquid metal duct flow under a transverse magnetic field and heated from below. In The 9th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop Program and Book of Abstracts (Eds: T. Vo, T. Tsai & G.J. Sheard, Pub: The Sheard Lab, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Monash University, Australia), 63-64.  Conference: The 9th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop (9ANCW), Monash University, Victoria, Australia, 14-15 December 2015.


  • Hussam, W.K., Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2013  Horizontal convection in a rotating cylinder. In Programme and Book of Abstracts, 32-33.  Conference: The 8th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 16-17 December 2013.
  • Sheard, G.J., Tsai, T., Hussam, W.K., Wong, K.Y. & King, M.P.  2013  Heat transfer and stability of horizontal convection with a moving forcing boundary. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society (Pub: American Physical Society) 58 (18), D2.00003.  Conference: 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 24-26 November 2013.
  • Sheard, G.J., Vo, T. & Montabone, L.  2013  How barotropic and stable are differential-rotation cylindrical flows? In Bulletin of the American Physical Society (Pub: American Physical Society) 58 (18), M14.00007.  Conference: 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 24-26 November 2013.
  • Tsai, T., Hussam, W.K. & Sheard, G.J.  2013  Stability of horizontal convection with different temperature profiles. In Programme and Book of Abstracts, 54-55.  Conference: The 8th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 16-17 December 2013.


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    Sheard, G.J., Wong, K.Y. & King, M.P.  2012  Liquid oil painting: Free and forced convection in an enclosure with mechanical and thermal forcing. In Gallery of Fluid Motion: American Physical Society 65th Annual Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting (Pub: American Physical Society).  Conference: The 65th Annual Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA, 17-20 November 2012.
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    Vo, T., Montabone, L. & Sheard, G.J.  2012  Instabilities on model polar vortices generated in a rotating tank source-sink configuration.  Conference: Australia-New Zealand Rotating Flows Workshop, Mudbrick Winery, Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand, 9-10 January 2012.


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    Blackburn, H.M. & Sheard, G.J.  2010  Wake symmetry, subharmonic and quasi-peroiodic instability modes. In IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations: Book of Papers (Eds: T. Leweke & C.H.K. Williamson), 117-119.  Conference: IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations, Hotel San Michele, Capri, Italy, 22-25 June 2010.
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    Sheard, G.J. & Blackburn, H.M.  2010  Global instability and transient growth in a model fusiform aneurysm with steady inflow. In Bulletin of the American Physical Society: Program of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (Pub: American Physical Society, ISSN: 0003-0503) 55 (16), 301.  Conference: The American Physical Society: Program of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, California, USA, 21-23 November 2010.


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    Sheard, G.J.  2009  Alteration in wall shear stress caused by non-axisymmetric flow in a fusiform abdominal aortic aneurysm. In Abstracts accepted to the Fourth Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (APAB2009).  Conference: The Fourth Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (APAB2009), University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 14-18 April 2009.


  • Butler, C.J., Ryan, K. & Sheard, G.J.  2008  Kelvin type instabilities of counter-rotating Batchelor vortex pairs with differing circulations.  Conference: The 14th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC`08), Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 13-16 July 2008.


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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2005  Non-axisymmetric spheroids: wake transition and loss of planar symmetry. In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations - BBVIV4 (Eds: T. Leweke & C.H.K. Williamson), 267-270.  Conference: The Fourth Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations - BBVIV4, Santorini Image Hotel, Santorini, Greece, 21-25 June 2005.


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    Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.  2003  Criticality and structure of the asymmetric vortex shedding modes of bluff ring wakes. In The 5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference - Book of Abstracts, 391.  Conference: The 5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, Toulouse, France, 24-28 August 2003.



  • Vo, T., Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J.  2015  . In 9th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop Program and Book of Abstracts (Eds: Vo, T., Tsai, T. & Sheard, G.J., Pub: The Sheard Lab, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Monash University, Australia).  Conference: The 9th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop, Monash University, Victoria, Australia, 14-15 December 2015.



  • Fouras, A., Sheard, G.J., Armitage, J.A. & Curtis, M.  2012  Method and device for trapping and analysing cells and the like. PCT Patent PCT/AU2012/000405.  Filed 20 April 2012, Published 26 October 2012.



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    Witt, P.J., Prakash, M., Fletcher, D.F., Sheard, G.J. & Schwarz, M.P.  2011  Preface to special issue of selected papers from CFD in the minerals and process industries. Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (4), 2051.


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    Witt, P.J., Prakash, M., Fletcher, D.F., Sheard, G.J. & Schwarz, M.P.  2010  CFD in the Minderals and Process Industries preface. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics 10 (5/6), 263-264.